Do we need a Jupiter to get an Earth? (SETIcon 2)
Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 17 Οκτ 2014
Kevin R. Grazier -
Dr. Grazier was the scientific advisor for "Battlestar Galactica",
"Eureka", and "The Event", and co-author of The Science of Battlestar
Galactica—a book detailing the science both depicted and hinted at in
the re-imagined series. For 15 years he was an Investigation Scientist
on the Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn and Titan, and for his research
performs large-scale long-term computer simulations of early Solar
System dynamics and evolution. He is also the science advisor for
"Falling Skies", this summer's movie "Gravity", SyFy Channel's upcoming
epic series "Defiance," and just produced the sci-fi short "D.N.E.: Do
Not Erase."
Rosaly Lopes - Dr. Rosaly M. C. Lopes is a Senior
Research Scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She is an expert
on volcanoes on Earth and the planets and has worked on the NASA
missions Galileo and Cassini. She has visited more than 50 active
volcanoes all over the world and written more than 100 peer-reviewed
publications. She enjoys bringing the excitement of her research to the
general public via lectures, TV shows and books. Rosaly has obtained
numerous awards for her work both in science and outreach. In 2005, she
was awarded the Carl Sagan medal by the Division for Planetary Sciences
of the American Astronomical Society, in recognition of her success in
communicating science to the general public.
Martin Still -
Kepler is NASA's Discovery mission to find Earth-sized, habitable
exoplanets. The spacecraft, in an Earth-trailing orbit, yields 165,000
simultaneous light curves of Galactic and extra-Galactic sources over a
108 square degree field in the Cygnus-Lyra direction, with uninterrupted
cadences of 1- and 30-minutes over a nominal mission lifetime of 3.5
years. The Kepler Guest Observer Office is tasked with maximizing the
quality and depth of Kepler parallel science, exploiting the unique
properties of this space-based telecope to impact multiple areas of
astrophysics outside the core program of planet transits. Still began
his role as Director of the Kepler Guest Observer Office in August 2009.
His scientific interests lie in the study of accretion, compact binary
stars, black hole physics, gamma-ray bursts and exoplanet detection and
David Summers - David investigates a wide range
of chemical reactions that are either needed for life to begin, that
may affect whether life can exist, or that might be used by scientists
to recognize life elsewhere. For example he is looking at the reactions
of nitrogen in the atmosphere of ancient Mars. Where did it go? Could it
have provided nitrogen for the start of life on Mars?
French - Robert spends his days at the SETI Institute studying the
origin and evolution of the rings and moons of the outer planets. With
graduate degrees in both Astronomy and Computer Science and more than 20
years experience in commercial software development, he is especially
interested in ways of automating the analysis of the terabytes of data
returned by modern spacecraft. An avid speaker and educator, Robert
never misses an opportunity to share his enthusiasm for space
exploration with the general public.
Kevin R. Grazier -
Dr. Grazier was the scientific advisor for "Battlestar Galactica",
"Eureka", and "The Event", and co-author of The Science of Battlestar
Galactica—a book detailing the science both depicted and hinted at in
the re-imagined series. For 15 years he was an Investigation Scientist
on the Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn and Titan, and for his research
performs large-scale long-term computer simulations of early Solar
System dynamics and evolution. He is also the science advisor for
"Falling Skies", this summer's movie "Gravity", SyFy Channel's upcoming
epic series "Defiance," and just produced the sci-fi short "D.N.E.: Do
Not Erase."
Rosaly Lopes - Dr. Rosaly M. C. Lopes is a Senior
Research Scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She is an expert
on volcanoes on Earth and the planets and has worked on the NASA
missions Galileo and Cassini. She has visited more than 50 active
volcanoes all over the world and written more than 100 peer-reviewed
publications. She enjoys bringing the excitement of her research to the
general public via lectures, TV shows and books. Rosaly has obtained
numerous awards for her work both in science and outreach. In 2005, she
was awarded the Carl Sagan medal by the Division for Planetary Sciences
of the American Astronomical Society, in recognition of her success in
communicating science to the general public.
Martin Still -
Kepler is NASA's Discovery mission to find Earth-sized, habitable
exoplanets. The spacecraft, in an Earth-trailing orbit, yields 165,000
simultaneous light curves of Galactic and extra-Galactic sources over a
108 square degree field in the Cygnus-Lyra direction, with uninterrupted
cadences of 1- and 30-minutes over a nominal mission lifetime of 3.5
years. The Kepler Guest Observer Office is tasked with maximizing the
quality and depth of Kepler parallel science, exploiting the unique
properties of this space-based telecope to impact multiple areas of
astrophysics outside the core program of planet transits. Still began
his role as Director of the Kepler Guest Observer Office in August 2009.
His scientific interests lie in the study of accretion, compact binary
stars, black hole physics, gamma-ray bursts and exoplanet detection and
David Summers - David investigates a wide range
of chemical reactions that are either needed for life to begin, that
may affect whether life can exist, or that might be used by scientists
to recognize life elsewhere. For example he is looking at the reactions
of nitrogen in the atmosphere of ancient Mars. Where did it go? Could it
have provided nitrogen for the start of life on Mars?
French - Robert spends his days at the SETI Institute studying the
origin and evolution of the rings and moons of the outer planets. With
graduate degrees in both Astronomy and Computer Science and more than 20
years experience in commercial software development, he is especially
interested in ways of automating the analysis of the terabytes of data
returned by modern spacecraft. An avid speaker and educator, Robert
never misses an opportunity to share his enthusiasm for space
exploration with the general public.
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