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Τετάρτη 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Shaking Up the Dark Universe: The Dark Horses of Dark Matter


Shaking Up the Dark Universe: The Dark Horses of Dark Matter

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 22 Σεπ 2016

what you think you know about dark matter. After a 30-year search for a
single, as yet unidentified, species of dark matter particle that would
make up some 25% of the mass of the universe, physicists are starting
to consider novel explanations. Some envision invisible matter hiding
within the folds of extra spatial dimensions. Others suggest not one
kind of dark matter particle, but numerous species inhabiting a shadow
universe. Others still conjecture that dark matter doesn’t exist, and
instead propose that the laws of gravity need modification. We’ll bring
together leading thinkers on dark matter—the revolutionary and
conventional alike—for a distinctly unconventional discussion on the
dark universe.

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Original Program Date: June 2, 2016
MODERATOR: John Hockenberry
PARTICIPANTS: Katherine Freese, Justin Khoury, Stacy McGaugh, Neal Weiner, Lisa Randall

The discovery of Dark Matter 00:05

John Hockenberry introduction 3:50

Participant Introductions 8:10

What is dark matter? 9:59

Lets talk about WIMPs 15:15

How do we detect dark matter? 17:45

The standard model looks incomplete 28:46

So you want to take apart Newton and Einstein? 37:49

What role did dark matter play in the early universe? 48:00

Can dark matter be a super fluid? 55:15

Will we understand dark matter better if we know about its origins? 1:02:28

What is the headline for the next big dark matter discovery? 1:07:46

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