Αναζήτηση αναρτήσεων

Τετάρτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Patrick Hayden | The Quantum Computational Universe - 2 of 2


Patrick Hayden | The Quantum Computational Universe - 2 of 2

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 2 Δεκ 2016
Professor Patrick Hayden of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics (SITP) introduces the science of quantum information.

the past sixty years, computers have shrunk, networks have spread and
flickering bits of information have ever more thoroughly infiltrated all
aspects of our lives. The boundary between the virtual world of
information and the physical world we ultimately inhabit has been slowly
fading to the point that it is becoming hard to tell where one ends and
the other begins. But deep down, we know there is a difference.
Information is an invented abstraction: engineered, processed and
repackaged but not the basic stuff of reality. Or perhaps not. The
fundamental laws of physics, in the form of quantum mechanics, force
physicists to wrestle with the very meaning of information. If
Schrodinger’s cat can be both alive and dead, then the familiar “bit”
isn’t up to the task of describing her state.

With gathering
speed, scientists have been developing the science of truly quantum
mechanical information. Not only is it strange, it has proven to be
useful. Quantum computers could solve problems no digital computer will
ever be able tackle. Quantum cryptosystems could only be cracked by
violating the laws of physics. In these lectures, we’ll explore the
nature of quantum information and how to use it. We’ll end by applying
those pragmatic ideas to the nature of spacetime itself, finding that
the boundary between the virtual and physical worlds is far fuzzier than
we could have imagined.

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