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Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

What Are White Holes?


What Are White Holes?

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 8 Οκτ 2015
Black holes are created when stars die catastrophically in a supernova. So what in the universe is a white hole?

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Team: Fraser Cain - @fcain
Jason Harmer - @jasoncharmer
Susie Murph - @susiemmurph
Brian Koberlein - @briankoberlein
Chad Weber - weber.chad@gmail.com
Kevin Gill - @kevinmgill

Created by: Fraser Cain and Jason Harmer

Edited by: Chad Weber

Music: Left Spine Down - “X-Ray”

imagination day, and we’re going to talk about fantasy creatures. Like
unicorns, but even rarer. Like leprechauns, but even more fantastical!

we’re going to talk about white holes. Before we talk about white
holes, let’s talk about black holes. And before we talk about Black
Holes, what’s is this thing you have with holes exactly?

holes are places in the Universe where matter and energy are compacted
so densely together that their escape velocity is greater than the speed
of light. We’ve done at least a million videos on them, but if you
still want more info, you can start here with our Black Hole playlist.

describing a black hole requires a lot of fancy math, but these are
real objects in our Universe. They were predicted by Einstein’s theory
of relativity, and actually discovered over the last few decades.

Black holes are created when stars, much more massive than our Sun, die catastrophically in a supernova.
So then what’s a white hole?

holes are created when astrophysicists mathematically explore the
environment around black holes, but pretend there’s no mass within the
event horizon. What happens when you have a black hole singularity with
no mass?

White holes are completely theoretical mathematical
concepts. In fact, if you do black hole mathematics for a living, I’m
told, ignoring the mass of the singularity makes your life so much

They’re not things that actually exist.

It’s not
like astronomers detected an unusual outburst of radiation and then
developed hypothetical white hole models to explain them.

As my
good friend and sometimes Guide to Space contributor, Dr. Brian
Koberlein says, “If you start with five cupcakes and start giving them
away, you eventually run out. At that point you can’t give away any
more. In this case you can’t count down past zero. Sure, you can hand
out slips of paper with “I O U ONE cupcake.” written on them, but it
would be ridiculous to use the existence of negative numbers to claim
that “negative cupcakes” exist and can be handed out to people.”

if white holes did exist, which they probably don’t, they would behave
like reverse black holes - just like the math predicts. Instead of
pulling material inward, a white hole would blast material out into
space like some kind of white chocolate fountain.

So generous, these white holes and their chocolate.

of the other implications of white hole math, is that they only
theoretically exist as long as there isn’t a single speck of matter
within the event horizon.

As soon as single atom of hydrogen drifted into the region, the whole thing would collapse.

if white holes were created back at the beginning of the Universe, they
would have collapsed long ago, since our Universe is already filled
with stray matter.

That said, there are a few physicists out
there who think white holes might be more than theoretical. Hal Haggard
and Carlo Rovelli of Aix-Marseille University in France are working to
explain what happens within black holes using a branch of theoretical
physics called loop quantum gravity.

In theory, a black hole
singularity would compress down until the smallest possible size
predicted by physics. Then it would rebound as a white hole. But because
of the severe time dilation effect around a black hole, this event
would take billions of years for even the lowest mass ones to finally
get around to popping.

If there were microscopic black holes
created after the Big Bang, they might get around to decaying and
exploding as white holes any day now. Except, according to Stephen
Hawking, they would have already evaporated.

Another interesting
idea put forth by physicists, is that a white hole might explain the Big
Bang, since this is another situation where a tremendous amount of
matter and energy spontaneously appeared.

In all likelihood,
white holes are just fancy math. And since fancy math rarely survives
contact with reality, white holes are probably just imaginary.

What other highly theoretical theories in space and physics would you like us to investigate? Tell us in the comments below.

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