Αναζήτηση αναρτήσεων

Κυριακή 13 Μαρτίου 2016

Exploring the informed universe

Exploring the informed universe

Imagine, if you will, a ligbtless, soundless, formless plenum. It is filled both with the primeval consciousness that is the womb of all mind and spirit in the cosmos and with the fluctuating energies out of which all things come to exist in space and in time. There is no-thing in this cosmic fullness, yet there is every-thing, in potential. Everything that can and will ever happen is here, in formless, soundless, lightless, quiescent turbulence.
After an infinity of cosmic eons, a sudden explosion, untold magnitudes greater than any turbulence ever witnessed or even imagined by human beings, penetrates the formless turbulence; a shaft of light rises from its epicenter. The plenum is no longer quiescent; it is rent by a supercosmic force emerging from its hitherto soundless and lightless depth. It liberates gigantic forces, transforming the plenum from virtual formlessness into dynamic formative process.
The surface foams with instantly appearing and disappearing ripples of energy, forming and annihilating in a cosmic dance of unimaginable speed and momentum.
Then the initial demented rhythm becomes more sedate, the foam more orderly. The ripples radiate outward from the epicenter, bathed in pure light of infinite intensity.
As the foam expands, it becomes grainier. Swirls and vortexes appear, incipient if as yet evanescent wave-patterns modulating the surface of the evolving plenum. With the passing of further cosmic eons, the ripples of patterned energy consolidate into lasting forms and structures. They are not separate from each other, for they are micro-patterns structuring into larger patterns within a common wave-field. They are part of the underlying and now no longer formless plenum that erupted and created them. Each ripple is a microworld in itself, pulsating with the liberated energies of the plenum and reflecting in its micrototality the macrototality from which it emerged.
The micro-patterns trace their careers in the expanding space of the initial explosion and take on structure and complexity. They modulate the turbulent plenum. It is more and more structured at the surface, as the ripples cohere into complex wave-structures; and it is more and more modulated below, as the evolving structures create minute vortices that integrate into information-carrying holograms. The informed holofield below and the micro-patterns on the surface evolve together. Their growing architecture enriches the holofield, and the enriched holofield in-forms the evolving micro-structures. Surface and depth coevolve, taking on complexity and coherence.
The more complex the structures that emerge, the more independent they appear of the depth below. Yet the ripples and waves at the surface are not separate but part of the medium from which they arise - they are like "solitons," the curiously object-like waves that emerge in a turbulent medium. The ripples and waves cohere in elaborate structures, subtly interconnected with each other. At a crucial stage of their evolution they become self-sustaining, reproducing themselves and replenishing spent energies from the embedding energy fields. The evolving wave-patterns have not just external relations; they also have an inner reflection: a "feel" of each other and of the depth. At first an unarticulated basic sensation, this inner reflection gains in articulation as the self-maintaining waves acquire structure and complexity. They develop higher and higher grades of inner reflection, articulating their basic feel of the world as a representation of individual things and processes. They map the world that envelops them, and themselves in that world.
After another cosmic eon, the energies liberated by the initial explosion dissipate across the surface of the plenum. Some mega-structures use up the free energies available to them and explode, strewing their micro-ripples into space where they consolidate into new megastructures. Others implode, and in a final flash reenter the plenum from which they emerged. The ripples that evolve on the surface of smaller mega-structures break down, incapable of maintaining themselves in an environment of fading energy. As the universe ages, all complex structures and articulated reflections disappear. But although the surface loses modulation, the memory of the depth is not affected: the holograms created by the ripples remain untouched. They conserve the trace of the surface's evanescent structures together with their feels and reflections.
And now another shaft of light rends the plenum, breaking its quiescent turbulence and reviving it with another formative burst: a new universe is born. This time the ripples and structures that form on the surface do not appear randomly, at the mercy of chance: they derive from a plenum in-formed with the holo-trace of prior ripples and waves.
The cosmic drama repeats time after time. Further shafts of light radiate outward from the epicenter, another multitude of ripples moves outward to dance, to cohere, to feel, and to reflect. The new universe ends as the ripples and the structures it brought into being vanish at the surface. But the holograms created by them in the depth inform the next universe, born as further explosions rend the plenum. Time after time, the cosmic drama repeats, but it does not repeat in the same way. It builds on its own past, on the memory of the ripples and waves that appeared and then disappeared in prior universes.
In universe after universe the plenum brings forth micro-ripples and mega-wave stuctures. In each universe the ripples and waves vanish, but their memory lives on. In the next universe new and more elaborate structures appear, with more articulated reflections of the world around them. In the course of innumerable universes, the pulsating Metaverse realizes all that the primeval plenum held in potential. The plenum is no longer formless: its surface is of unimaginable complexity and coherence; its depth is fully informed. The cosmic proto-consciousness that endowed the primeval plenum with its universe-creative potentials becomes a fully articulated cosmic consciousness - it becomes, and thenceforth eternally is, the self-realized mind of God.

 "SCIENCE and the Akashic Field An Integral Theory of Everything"


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