Αναζήτηση αναρτήσεων

Πέμπτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Pluto's interacting surface and atmosphere - Leslie Young(SETI Talks 2016)


Pluto's interacting surface and atmosphere - Leslie Young(SETI Talks 2016)

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 30 Σεπ 2016

main atmospheric species, N2, is also frozen on its surface, as are its
minor atmospheric species, CH4 and CO. The New Horizons spacecraft
found complicated and intriguing evidence for a dynamically interacting
surface and atmosphere. The REX instrument shows a planetary boundary
layer that depends on whether there's N2 ice available to sublimate.

appears to be a factor in the distribution of both N2 and CH4 ice, with
N2 favoring lower altitudes (higher pressures, so higher condensation
temperatures), whereas some high ridges are coated in CH4 frost.
Sublimation may be responsible for some of the stranger geologic forms
on Pluto. Finally, preserved landforms may point to earlier ages with
more widespread volatile ice coverage or higher surface pressures.
Young will talk about the evidence, and some of the ways New Horizons
is influencing how we think about Pluto's atmosphere and surface.


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