Αναζήτηση αναρτήσεων

Τρίτη 6 Μαΐου 2014

Now Playing: Core Collapse — in 3D!


Now Playing: Core Collapse — in 3D!

Δημοσιεύθηκε στις 30 Ιουν 2013

This is a 3D simulation of the
initial stage of a supernova, the core collapse that gives birth to the
neutron star. It was released on Tuesday by a team of researchers at the
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics. In their simulation, the shock
undergoes a spectacular sloshing behavior called a "standing accretion
shock instability."

We hope you enjoy our...dramatic rendition.
more information, check out the press release and the videos in Figure 3
that demonstrate how the chaotic behavior of the shock wave can be
reproduced with water, a table, and a pipe:


* * *

F., Müller B., Wongwathanarat A., Marek A., Janka H.-Th., "SASI
Activity in Three-Dimensional Neutrino-Hydrodynamics Simulations of
Supernova Cores", Astrophysical Journal 770, 66 (2013)
Images and movie produced by Elena Erastova and Markus Rampp, RZG
Music and text by Mark Zastrow

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