Αναζήτηση αναρτήσεων

Πέμπτη 26 Νοεμβρίου 2015

A celebration of the centenary of general relativity


A celebration of the centenary of general relativity

Ζωντανή μετάδοση στις 23 Νοε 2015
part of the international celebrations of the 100th anniversary of
Albert Einstein's Field Equations defining the Theory of General
Relativity, Imperial College London hosts a special event to reflect on
the impact of that seminal work on furthering and enhancing our
understanding of the universe.

The talks at the event will be:
Inner space, outer space: A meditation on general relativity
Professor Fay Dowker, Professor of Theoretical Physics

Black holes and the unity of phyiscs
Professor Jerome Gauntlett, Head of the Theoretical Physics Group at Imperial College London

Professors Dowker and Gauntlett studied under world-famous physicist
Professor Stephen Hawking at the University of Cambridge before
embarking on storied careers, taking our understanding of theoretical
physics to new levels.

This event is exclusively live-streamed on
23 November 2015 from the Great Hall at Imperial College London's South
Kensington Campus.

Interact on social media via the hashtag #GR100.

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