Αναζήτηση αναρτήσεων

Τρίτη 17 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Alkaline Water and Cancer…Is There a Connection?


Alkaline Water and Cancer…Is There a Connection?

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 22 Απρ 2015
Alkaline Water and Cancer…What is the Connection?

and more doctors are starting to study the benefits of alkaline water.
There are vast amounts of clinical studies on alkaline water and cancer.

These clinical studies are conducted using only ionized
alkaline water that carries a special antioxidant charge, which can only
be produced using an electric water ionizer such as Tyent.
It seems like every day that somebody calls Tyent and says, “Thank you for curing my cancer.”

course we are ecstatic, but until the FDA approves alkaline water as a
cancer cure, we can only offer you clinical studies and testimonials to
support the concept of alkaline water for cancer.

We ask that
you do as much research as you can on alkaline water and cancer so that
you can make an educated decision on whether alkaline water is for you.

Call our water experts today for more information at 855-893-6887

What happens in a body with cancer?
is acidic. Patients with cancer or other degenerative diseases usually
have a body pH around a 5. In other words, it’s a breeding ground for
disease to thrive.

Without combatting the body’s acidity with alkaline foods such as leafy greens or alkaline water, the blood becomes more acidic.
does it all start? Most people eat very acidic foods and are exposed to
an acidic environment that’s full of stress and pollution. Over time,
the body responds by depositing the excess acidic waste in areas where
the blood will fail to maintain a healthy, optimum alkaline condition.

areas inevitably become oxygen starved and, in many cases, cells die
and are in turn broken down into yet more acids. The cells that don’t
die change course and adapt to the acidic environment.

abnormal cells are referred to as malignant cells. These malignant cells
tend to grow unabated and uncontrollably, and without any sense of
order. Next, cancer makes its dreaded appearance.

So, yes, drinking alkaline water makes good sense for better overall health.

Robert Young, Dr. Robert Young, author of “The pH Miracle”, states that
“ionized water helps reverse the effects of acid accumulation in the
body, the root cause of degenerative diseases and aging.”

See what other doctors have to say in the FREE eBook ($29 Value) http://tyentusa.com/3-famous-doctors

Alkaline Water and Cancer…It’s up to You!

Tyent USA is the official water ionizer of the Oasis of Hope Cancer
Treatment Center, we still cannot make any claims, but we can share a
great quote. According to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, author of Conscious
Eating, “Water ionization could be one of the most important health
breakthroughs in our era.”

If you decide to go with alkaline
water, you want to be sure that it is ionized and contains antioxidants
and that is runs through an electrolysis process. Otherwise you could be
doing more harm than good.

In addition to making sure to avoid non-electric water ionizers, be sure to avoid cheap ionizers as well.

BEWARE! While everyone wants a good bargain, you may be surprised to
find that some water ionizer plates (also called water ionizer
electrodes) may corrode. Be wary of water ionizer plates that are not
made of platinum coated titanium.
SEE FOR YOURSELF! www.youprotect.org/leadwarning
these dangerous water ionizer plates, you may think that you are
getting alkaline water benefits, while in reality you are getting

Be Safe! Buy a respectable brand like Tyent. Tyent’s water ionizer plates are certified to be the safest.

Call Tyent’s water ionizer experts for more information about our plates and all of our safety certifications. 855-893-6887

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