Αναζήτηση αναρτήσεων

Δευτέρα 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

China targets overseas talent, Peer Review Week 2018 and ‘Rydberg radio’

China targets overseas talent, Peer Review Week 2018 and ‘Rydberg radio’

13 Sep 2018 James Dacey

In this episode of the Physics World Weekly podcast, James Dacey is joined by the Physics World news editor, Michael Banks. The pair discuss the recently published Physics Worldspecial report on physics in China. That free-to-read report explores China’s ambitions to become a global leader in particle physics, and its latest drive to attract the top international talent to relocate to the country.

Dacey is then joined by Kim Eggleton, a senior managing editor at IOP Publishing – the academic publisher that produces Physics World. Eggleton speaks about Peer Review Week 2018, which has been taking place this week. Publishers, scientists and many others have been celebrating the vital role peer review plays in science. The theme of this year’s event is “diversity in peer review”, so Eggleton discusses a new report that evaluates diversity and inclusion within IOP Publishing’s peer-review process.

Finally, Physics World’s general physics editor Hamish Johnston returns to the show to talk about some of the research highlights from the week. He’s been getting particularly excited about an unusual type of radio that exploits the quantum properties of a cloud of atoms. Listen to the podcast and all will be revealed.

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