Αναζήτηση αναρτήσεων

Πέμπτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2015

The Next Quantum Leap: Here, There, and Everywhere


The Next Quantum Leap: Here, There, and Everywhere

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 27 Οκτ 2015
viewed as “spooky” or downright bizarre, quantum mechanics is fueling a
powerful new era of amazing technology. In this program, today’s top
quantum physicists discuss the information shake-up underway—and predict
when we can expect a quantum computer of our own.

PARTICIPANTS: Artur Ekert, Daniel Gottesman, Seth Lloyd, Eleanor Rieffel
Original Program Date: May 31, 2015

Quantum Physics Is Everywhere: A Quantum Comedy. 00:06

Participant Introductions. 04:48

Quantum teleportation... Beam me up Scotty. 06:11

The record distance of teleportation. 11:33

What is post selection time travel? 15:45

How is our quantum data protected? 17:27

How would quantum codes be unbreakable? 20:28

Quantum computers how close are we? 25:09

Quantum tunneling is happening today. 31:30

The array of problems that quantum algorithms may solve. 36:24

Quantum computation and how it's different now. 40:08

What powers will quantum technology have ten years from now? 44:30

The amount of data we are collecting doubles every year. 47:15

Is it possible to have more than two particles entangled? 54:59

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